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Technology Resources

Drake Law School is committed to providing the technologies and resources you need to succeed.

Contact Information

Drake Information Technology Services
Carnegie Hall, Lower Level

Dan Burkett, ITS Application Support Administrator
Opperman Hall, Room 174 
John Edwards, Associate Dean for Information Resources and Technology
Opperman Hall, Room 154


myDrake is the Drake University portal to student services. Students may use myDrake to find account information, get email access, use calendars, register for classes, view your class schedule, and other student resources.

You will be provided with login information via email.

Computing Facilities

Drake Law School has a number of computers available to students and visitors. A wireless network is also available to guests and students who would like to access the internet from their own devices. Guests who need computer access should inquire at the Library Information Desk. Law School computers run Windows 10 or Windows 11 and Office 365.

Library and Lobby Technology (Law Library first floor lobby)

Computers with Examplify

The Law School has a number of desktop computers loaded with the Examplify software for student exam needs. Arrangements to use one of these computers must be made through Drake Law Student Services.

Other Technology

The Law Library offers additional technology, including collaborative study lounges with oversized monitors and equipment available to check out, such as chargers.


The Drake Law School Office of Admission will notify students when their Drake email account is activated. The Law School's website and Drake email will be the official means of communication for any campus matters.

Access your email at

Students should reference the Law School's website for news or events and check their Drake email account regularly to make sure important deadlines or information are not missed.

Find more information about Drake email.

Document Storage

Student groups, organizations, and journals are provided space on the University's file storage. This facilitates eased sharing and collaboration among peers.

Storage for individual students is available through Microsoft OneDrive. Students can store up to 5 Terabytes of data, accessible anywhere on or off campus.

OneDrive is available on PC, Mac, and mobile devices. OneDrive storage is accessible through a web-browser by logging into Drake Webmail, selecting the ‘waffle’ icon and then OneDrive.

OneDrive apps can be downloaded through the App Store/Google Play Store, as well as PC apps from

More information on using OneDrive is available from Drake ITS.

Technology Recommendations

Students who plan to use laptops for taking exams or want to join the campus wireless network must have a modern Windows or Macintosh computer with a webcam.

Learn more about computer requirements for exams.


The Drake libraries provide access to a wide variety of databases. Some resources are restricted to law faculty, staff, and students. Instructions for registering for those (Bloomberg Law, Westlaw, LexisNexis) and for CALI are provided during orientation.

Additional Information

Change your Drake ID password
Computer usage policies
Exam software
Printing services
Supported software
Wireless access

Law School Calendar 
Law School News